How Rugelach, A Cat, Spends Her Sundays
/Rugelach relaxing in the bathroom
Rugelach, 1, is a domestic shorthair rescue from Brooklyn, NY. She is not internet famous yet, but has a decent following by sharing her Jewish cat adventures on Instagram @A_Cat_Named_Rugelach. For the past year, she has lived with her roommates Alex and Hannah in Clinton Hill.
RISE AND SHINE I find I can’t really get a solid 8 hours sleep no matter how hard I try. I prefer to sleep most of the day in short little spurts. But I’m almost always up by 7am. That’s usually when the people I rent some space to, Alex and Hannah, start moving around. That gets my attention so I’ll start walking all over them and chewing in Hannah’s hair for reasons even I don’t know. Surprisingly, that wakes them up right away. It’s perfect too because I like to eat promptly at 7.
“I generally take my breakfast right in the bowl”
LAST MEAL EVER Once either Hannah or Alex gets up, I generally take my breakfast right in the bowl. I eat it as fast as I can because I never really know when my next meal will come around. If I’m particularly hungry, I’ll pout and make a really sad look with my eyes. That gets me a few pieces of dry food.
A LITTLE PRIVACY After breakfast, I generally take some private time in my litter box. It’s where I get a lot of my important thinking done, like: when will I eat again and wasn’t that squirrel by the widow really close? Once my business is complete I’ll leap out of the box and carry some litter with me. I always feel bad, but it magically disappears by the next day. So, clearly it’s not a big deal.
“Find me a cat that doesn’t nap and I’ll show you a stressed cat.”
ZOOMIE I know some cats who sleep all afternoon to catch up from a busy week. Not me. In the afternoon I’ll get an overwhelming urge to run all over the apartment. I’ll run to the window, then b-line to the bedroom. I’ll do that a few times. It’s so important to stay active—even on your days off.
RELAXATION The zoomies really take a lot out of a cat, so I’ll go right into a nap. I like to be near the window when it’s warm and on the kitchen mat when it’s not. I’ll nap for an hour, walk a bit, then nap some more. I can’t stress enough the importance of napping.
“A ball, a string, an iPhone charger—find what you like to bat around and make it fun!”
STRINGING ME ALONG I know someday I’ll have to hunt, so I like to keep my skills sharp. That’s why I’ll try to find a piece of string and attack it. I like to pretend it’s a mouse or maybe a bird. Another great way to sharpen these skills is by scratching the couch. This is very fun for me but also tiring. I’ll generally nap right after.
A WHOLE NEW WORLD Next to my perch is a window where I can look at birds and squirrels. I’ll sit here for most of the afternoon and early evening just looking. This is different from the rest of the week because there are new birds and squirrels. One day I’ll catch one and bring it to Alex and Hannah to thank them for being good tenants.
Some much needed down time after another packed Sunday.
HERE’S THE RUB After either a billion years or 22 seconds, my roommates Alex and Hannah will come back home. This is great because I get more food (and it’s been forever since I ate) and some rubs. I like rubs because there are spots I can’t reach and also it keeps me relaxed. No one realizes how stressful my Sunday routine can be.